In a distant future, storks had to change their professional activity because the baby industry isn't doing great at all.

Climate change has disrupted the earth's weather and storms keep appearing out of nowhere. Storks decided to use this to their advantages to deliver houses by making them fly through storms. 

This technic also has some downsides as most of the time storks have to finish the house INSIDE the storm !!!


WASD - move the character

MOUSE - aim at furniture

LEFT MOUSE - click to grab and ungrab a piece of furniture

RIGHT MOUSE - hold while aiming at a furniture to attach it on the floor

Published 3 days ago
StatusIn development
AuthorsOrksom, Louk_a_pg


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My record is 68%, But I swear I did it PERFECT! Fun game though, it of course lacks sound effects and a bit of polish, but I didn't let that get in the way of my enjoyment. And I actually love the concept of the storks building houses in the storm! Keep up the good work! 

Thank you very much 😃 We're super glad you enjoyed the game !  The low percentage might be our fault lol. We didn't get much time to playtest.

 We plan on polishing the game and make some more levels. As well as developing the lore. So stay tuned ;)